A little blog about my dolls, toys and more.

Friday 22 June 2012

Study Help

6/22/2012 Posted by Lucy , 2 comments
I am super busy at the moment studying for my exam tomorrow. I am SO nervous. I wish it would be over so I can relax and play with the dollies more =(

Anyway, Sacha came to see what I was up to...

For a proper instructional video on how to put someone in the recovery position, please watch this video by the British Red Cross on youtube.

And please wish me luck for my exam tomorrow!!


  1. He is the cutest.. I've never been a pong fan.. they have just always looked like they have a huge grin, which is cute, but not my thing, I guess...

    But Sacha - as soon as I saw the pictures - I could just see this little boy constantly chattering (he reminds me of my 8 yo boy right now).. soooo cute! Sacha is my favorite boy littlefee!

    1. Oh thank you so much! I had a Puki Pong once but couldn't bond with him. I always loved other people's Pong's but couldn't seem to get on with one myself but then I thought maybe its because I didn't like the Puki size much. So when I saw they did him as a Littlefee (which is my favourite size), I decided to risk getting one and I'm so pleased I did! We bonded instantly =) He is so adorable!
